


Why I Write

There have been many times, in my life, that I will express my beliefs, or discuss something dear to my heart, and people will tell me that I should share these ideas with others, that my perspectives are innovative, outside-the-box, under-represented, and important.

I believe I do have some unique things to say and write.  And I believe that my thoughts, insights, and writing contribute to, and engage with, some very important (read: life or death) contemporary conversations about race, economics, love, what it means to be human, culture, emotional expression, sexuality, science, as well as freedom and human rights.

Every day I actively strive to create a world of my liking, engaging and grappling with a multiplicity of orientations and attunements, the major vectors through which I see myself and my relationship to the Universe, as well as my relationships with other.  I believe that one of the most primal and intrinsic ways that we, as humans, relate with and connect to one another is through shared talk, stories, folklore, sharing our personal lived experiences, in ways that open up an immensely affective, heuristic, space in which others can also share their lived experiences and stories.  This sharing, of both similar and different lived experiences and perspectives, holds the potential to bond people together in Communities made up of disparate peoples that care about, and are deeply invested in, one another.

So, I share my stories, in order to connect with other people, and, hopefully, to encourage other people to connect with me.  I want my stories to connect and resonate with people who may be similar to me–queer, men, witches, scholars, living with long-term illness, grew up poor, etc.  And, at the same time, I want to connect with those who are not like me, who are not men, or gay, or academics, or witches.  I want to connect with others and cultivate strong Communities.

I personally define a ‘Community’as a group of people who:


• intimately know one another


• are responsible to and for one another


• and embody a common ethos, in the form of goals, values, and ethics.

I am friends with some people because we are alike and share many lived experiences.  I am friends with other people because we are different; but, by bridging the gap between our differences, through learning, acceptance, understanding, compassion, and empathy, we find ourselves reflected in each other’s differences, in interesting and intricate ways that allow us to learn and grow as human beings.

So, while my stories are from the perspective of a white-presenting, queer, male, witch, I hope they resonate in some interesting ways with anyone, contributing to and illustrating the rich and intricate nuances and textures that make up the tapestry of the human experience.

I am a writer and story-teller by nature.  If given the opportunity, the stories, insights, musings, and expressions of my world-view will just pour out of me.  I’m an INFJ Gemini for fuck’s sake!  I write because I have a desire and willingness to be open and vulnerable, to join others in their desires and willingness to be open and vulnerable, to share our points of view, lived experiences, and philosophies, engaging with and investing in one another, and taking an active role co-creating strong, healthy Communities, one with another.


In Love and Lust,

‘ti Reynard

La Fête de la Jeunesse, 2019