A Suburban Witch


I am a suburban witch.

I have lived in places that have been very remote, and, at the time that suited me.

I have lived in places that were in the heart of cities’ downtown area, and, at the time that suited me.

What suits me, now, is to live just a smidge outside of the downtown/city area, where there’s nothing but homes and lawns; but, the city is just about a 15 minute ride in.

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What’s funny is how I think I like or want something, only to find that I didn’t or don’t:

I was house-sitting for a friend for the past month.

She lives way out in the country.

Like, an entire week could go by without hearing a car or seeing another human being.

At first, like, maybe for the first week, I was all, like, yeah! This is awesome! I’m gonna be all witchy and hide out in the woods and do magik and shun society and just really get in tune with myself!

And, I did.

And it was awesome.

And I loved it.

…for, like, a week and a half.

After that, I literally felt imprisoned in the solitude.

I can’t live like that.

I mean, it was great to find out, after a month in nowhere-ville, that I can stand my own company; that’s always nice to know. If you can’t tolerate your own company how the fuck do you expect anyone else to, right?

So that was nice.

But, like, yo!! I need some hustle and bustle around me.

I need that city-dance of swerving around people on the sidewalk, and going through stores, and the sounds of lots of people talking at once, and jostling bodies and movement.

But, like I said, I’ve lived smacked-dab-in-the-middle of cities, where, for the life of me I cant catch moonlight in a cup of water to save my life because there’s so much street and car and restaurant and bar light blocking the moonrays.

So the two extremes–way out in the country and right in the middle of the city–do not work for me.

I like to hang out in the city, enjoy myself, have everything within walkable distance, and then take my ass home, just 15 minutes or so, to my home, with a yard, that’s quiet, and darker, and the neighbors all go to bed before midnight, and I can do my witchcraft in a dark corner of my yard midnight to 3am, surveying the neighborhood, and have a couple interesting neighbors to walk over some evenings and do some porch-drinking, etc.

This suburban, just-outside-the-city, type of living arrangement is my preferred.

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So, I’ll consider myself a suburban Faerie Witch.

For now, anyway.




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